New Haven 2020 is working towards a thriving New Haven that includes all voices and engages and values each member of its community. We will encourage increased racial equity and specific inclusion of marginalized groups and youth.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Celebrate with us at our Action Forum, Dec 10, 2009!

Over the last few weeks we have been meeting with members of the Action Groups that formed as a result of the dialogues last spring and worked with them to create mini-action plans so that they can break down their ideas into concrete, do-able action items and move forward. There are great ideas coming out of the community and we can't wait to share them with you! One of the major themes that emerged out of the dialogues was the need to engage youth in our initiative. As a result, several groups have organized dialogues with youth from their neighborhood and some of these youth will participate in a three-day long youth facilitator training from December 7 to December 9.

Our Action Forum on December 10, 2009, 6 pm - 8 pm, at Barnard School, 170 Derby Ave, New Haven is a great opportunity for you to meet our Action Groups face-to-face and learn first hand about their ideas, concerns, and strategies. This event will also be the Graduation of our new youth facilitators, where they will receive their diplomas!

This is a great opportunity for you to to learn what we are all about and to get involved if you didn't have the opportunity to attend any dialogues last spring.